Ugly Pie Puppet Show Props!

Puppet shows are a wonderful way to add a little fun to any Story Time.  My library has a wonderful collection of puppets but we have to make our own props which can be so very much fun to do!  The first puppet props that I made were pies to go with the wonderful story "Ugly Pie" by Lisa Wheeler.  

I looked all over Pinterest and the Internet to find a pattern for pie props and just could not find the right pattern so I made my own.  I started with a wide mouth jar lid and hot glued the lid to the ring.  

I then cut strips of crust colored (tan) felt in various shapes, such as a scalloped edge or a straight edge.  I then hot glued those strips to the rim of the ring gathering the felt a bit to make it more crust like.  

Then I cut a circle of felt in the color of my pie; orange for pumpkin, mauve for rhubarb, golden-yellow for honey, and brown for ugly pie.  These circles need to be a little bigger than the size of the lid.  I then stretched and rounded the center of that circle of felt prior to hot gluing to the inside of the lid, trying to get as close to crust as possible.  Stop about an inch and a half before completely sealing the pie in place.  This is where you fill the pie with poly fill so it is shaped like a pie! Now you get to burn your fingers with hot glue to close the pie.

For the Rhubarb pie I cut strips of the same tan I used for the crust and made a lattice crust.  For the Ugly pie I cut a large circle of tan felt and then cut four large tear drop shaped holes in it and hot glued the brown to the wrong side.  Lastly, for the Pumpkin pie I took some fluffy yarn and created a wisp of whipped cream for the center.

After completing the pies I labeled the bottoms with sharpie and added a loop of elastic that I made sure was big enough to easily fit a bear puppet paw but not so big that it wouldn't stay put.  This made it so easy to use during the play!


Steffi said…
Awesome! I love the pies! They are sooooo cute!!!

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