Felt Cupcakes!

Creativity strikes whenever it wants, like when you are sitting at lunch and see silicon cupcake liners and then your coworker mentions cupcakes as a prop for a puppet play.  At that moment everything fell together.  I decided then and there that I would find a way to use the silicone cupcake liners to make felt cupcakes.

I already had all the felt and sewing thread I could want.  All I needed was a pattern and that was so difficult to find online.  So I made my own!  

To make the pattern I took a paper cupcake liner and traced the top of it onto cardboard, then I cut down the side to the bottom and cut the bottom out and traced the side (it will be an arch) and the bottom also on cardboard.  Now I had the pattern I wanted.

I LOVE double sided tape.  I used that to keep the cardboard on the felt as I cut it out.  You can use any color you can dream of for the cupcake, orange, cream, red, brown, pink.  All the popular flavor colors!  After everything was cut out I sewed the side together, overlapping a little bit.  Then I sewed the bottom on.  Prior to sewing the top on I rounded that fabric a bit so it would be a bit more cupcake shaped.  Once that was shaped I sewed it on until there was only about an inch gap.  I stuffed it with poly-fil and finished sewing it closed.

After the initial cupcake is sewn together I had the difficult task of making the frosting.  I could not find a pattern I liked so I decided to cut strips in the colors I wanted for the frosting and then just twisted them as I hot glued them to the top.  After all was done I put the cupcakes in the liners and just enough of the cupcake color sticks out from the top so you can see the "flavor" of the cupcake and the frosting.

This was so much fun and they are big enough to be easily picked up with a puppet and seen from a puppet stage!

Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Lemon, cherry, blueberry, and blackberry pie set. etsy.me

Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Pumpkin, rhubarb, honey, and ugly pie set. etsy.me


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