Community Helper Vehicle Flannel

     One of the most important aspects of working in the Children's Department is Story Time!  Story Time is not just about reading stories to children, it is so very much more.  One of my favorite aspects is Flannel Stories!  My first flannel story pieces I made were community helper vehicles.  

      To start I found clip art of vehicles and printed them out in the sizes that I wanted.  Many of them I did freehand.  To cut them out, I used double sided tape to keep the template on the felt.  After the initial shape was cut out, I added the embellishments to each.  These embellishments can be made with smaller pieces of felt, beads, buttons, ribbon, fabric paint, really anything you can think of.  During this process I learned that children's scissors are really good at cutting felt, much better than adult scissors!

     After everything was cut out and glued together with tacky glue (that stuff is AMAZING) I had to figure out rhymes to use with them.  I pieced a few rhymes together from Pinterest and came up with: 

The Community Worker Song
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
The Firemen are brave
The Firemen are brave
Heigh-ho what do you know
The Firemen are brave
The Mailmen bring us mail
The Conductors take us far
The Police keep us safe
The Doctors keep us well
The Farmers grow the food
The Bus Drivers take us to school


What is My Job?
(Tune: Are You Sleeping?)
What is my job?
What is my job?
Can you guess?
Can you guess?
I raise cows and chickens
I raise cows and chickens
Who am I?
Who am I?

I raise cows and chickens (Farm Truck)
I help people get well (Ambulance)
I deliver letters (Mail Truck)
I move dirt and rocks (Dump Truck)
I help keep you safe (Police Car)
I move broken cars (Tow Truck)
I haul people and materials (Train)
I put out fires (Fire Truck)
I take children to school (School Bus)

After I pieced these rhymes together I saw this post:  and of course had to make a pigeon to hide behind the vehicles!   



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