DIY Postcards

I used to think getting mail was awesome and then I became an adult with bills and mail became the worst ever, but every once in a while you get that one person who sends a card or a letter just because and it can make your whole week.  I just love it when I open the mail and have a letter or postcard waiting for me from a friend.  I love that feeling of being special enough that I wanted to do that for others too but I couldn't bring myself to purchase beautiful postcards because it seemed too expensive so instead I decided to make my own, making the happy mail that much more special.

Blank Mailable Postcards 
I purchased this set of blank postcards and got to creating.  I am pretty terrible at drawing though so instead I opted for acrylic paints and some amazing video tutorials on Pinterest.  

For my first postcard I just painted the entire back and it looked fine but was very clearly homemade.  The next one I tried making a border around it with painters tape and it came out looking so much more polished.  This worked out really well because the painters tape helped to hold the postcard flat while it dried so I experienced less curling of the postcards.  Removing the tape was simple but you have to remove it slowly or you will rip off pieces of the paper.

This is such a fun craft, you can even have kiddos decorate them, giving them the oportunity to send their artwork to someone special.  In fact, my little one and I do Mess-less Painting with these as well and his Mimi and PopPop just love getting special artwork from their grandson. 


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